Malerier ~ Paintings
Bring glæde, energi og skønhed ind i dine rum
Bring joy, energy and beauty into your rooms
Wild and free - Paws & Hooves + Feathers & Scales
Inspiration: Serien kan både nydes for de farverige dyrekarakterer i sig selv, men jeg har også indflettet udtryk af mere symbolske og fantasifulde lag. Stadigt er mit udgangspunkt min glæde ved dyr og naturen. I den abstrakte form, ser jeg ud over dyrenes realistiske udseende, ind i mere fantasifulde lag - og når jeg maler dem, føler jeg en næsten spirituel kontakt med dyr - ikke religiøst, men en dyb respekt for dyr og natur.
Inspiration: The series can be enjoyed both for the colorful animal characters themselves, but I have also woven expressions of more symbolic and imaginative layers. Still, my starting point is my joy at animals and nature. In the abstract form, I look beyond the animals' realistic appearance, into more imaginal layers - and when I paint them, I feel an almost spiritual connection with animals - not religious, but a deep respect for animals and nature
PERFECT STRIPES SERIE: Inspiration: Serien "Perfect Stripes" er malet i naturalistisk stil, jeg er betaget af stribemønstrene i disse dyrs pels. Jeg elsker det næsten grafiske udtryk . Malet med kraftfulde farvede baggrund. Et stærkt statement i ethvert rum, det placeres i.
PERFECT STRIPES SERIES: Inspiration: The series "Perfect Stripes" are painted in naturalistic style, I am fascinated by the stripe patterns in these animals' fur. I love the almost graphic expression. Painted with powerful colored background. A strong statement in any room it is placed in.
© 2022 All artwork on the site is copyright owned by Lene Daugaard